Specializing in Annual Lake Management Programs
Aquatic Plus offers a wide range of quality products and services for:
- Algae treatment
- Aquatic vegetation management
- Fountain sales and service
- Aeration sales and service
- Fish stocking
- Water quality monitoring and testing
- Fisheries management
- Biological augmentation
- Wildlife habitat and management solutions
Contact Info
Aquatic Plus Pond Management, LLC
P.O. Box 496 Waynesville, OH 45068
Ph: 937.903.5409
Licensed and Insured
Consulting Services
Are you a do-it-yourself kind of pond owner? If so, we can help! Avoid needless time and frustration trying to come up with the right formula to treat Aquatic Plants and Algae in your body of water. Have one of our Professional Consultants work directly with you on properly identifying Aquatic Vegetation and Algae in your pond or lake.
Often mis-identification and improper and/or over application by the customer result in wasted money and fish kills. Don't let this happen to you! Contact Aquatic Plus to schedule your consultation with one of our experienced professionals. We will meet with you pond-side and develop a strategy for your pond or lake.